Absolute Blue Services


$225 for the first hour $65 each additional hour

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So what can I expect from an orientation?

We know that new pool owners can find the process of caring for their pool intimidating or frustrating, especially if you don't understand what's going on. With this in mind we designed an orientation to familiarize you with the process of caring for your pool. Below is a list of what can be expected during an orientation:

  • We will take the time to go over the correct operation of the pool equipment and answer any question about the equipment.
  • Next, we focus on the hardest part of pool care for clients: the water chemistry.
  • We will provide any suggestions regarding cleaning equipment, test supplies, chemicals and proper chemical storage.

* We will stay as long as needed until you are satisfied that you believe you can handle your equipment. If after the orientation you decide that it is just too much for you to take on we can sign-up service and drastically reduce the cost of orientation.